It’s been a cold winter so far, only with little sign of change. Obviously this is superb for outdoor snow fun and skiing if you’re lucky (hurray!), yet usually not so good for parents of little people.
The cold, dark winter months can seem like they go on forever. Locked inside, the kids go crazy.
Yet getting them outdoors can sometimes seem too hard, despite how necessary it is for both kids and their parents!
When we created Roots & Wings, we did so because we knew how great a fibre it was for kids. We thought, it’s soft, it’s robust and it performs perfectly to keep kids warm and dry. What we didn’t anticipate was that it could actually help get kids outside more!
What? Clothes get kids outside more? It sounds spurious but actually, it’s become really important.
Nature Deficit Disorder is something that keeps repeatedly popping up in our newsfeed. It’s the idea that getting outside and connecting with nature is becoming a problem for many kids around the world.
In 2005, Richard Louv coined the term and in his best-selling book, “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.” He observed that kids were becoming increasingly disconnected from nature because of the increase in technology and digitised options for play. The point wasn’t so much on technology being bad for children, but rather being aware of what consequences an increasing disconnect from nature has on our children.
A recent article by Dr Lawrence Rosen titled “7 Science-Backed Reasons to Get Your Kids Outside” again highlights the benefits of being outside!
While Roots & Wings Merino might not be a reason to go outside in the snow or wind, at least while your kids are wearing it, objections like it’s too cold, can be allayed.
We’re wrapping our kids in more of our gear so we can encourage them out of doors, into the snow or rain – whether on the slopes or just around town.
Join us in the outdoor fun!
x Roots & Wings.